Mitch Joel: Time to Ctrl Alt Delete Your Life

Mitch-Joel-ftd src=Some people talk about doing big stuff. Mitch Joel does it…

Ever see the scene in Almost Famous, you know, the one on the bus where they all start singing Tiny Dancer? Pure Magic. One of my fave scenes in any movie ever.

Well, that kid on the bus, that was Mitch Joel. Not the actor. But the real-life character. Even though it was supposedly written about Cameron Crowe. Mitch was living that same life. Through a crazy blend of chutzpa and luck, he found himself writing for a major music magazine and interviewing huge bands, when he was in his teens. He shares the wild story in our conversation.

Building on that, he started publishing his own successful music magazine. Which then led him through a wild ride in the music biz. Until he finally he found his way into the world of digital media, where some 13 years ago, he co-founded legendary creative agency, TwistImage, became an author, podcaster, blogger, speaker, connector and mentor to many.

book_ctrlaltdeleteIn his newest book, Ctrl Alt Delete, Joel lays out a compelling vision of a future in need of a radical shift in gears. One where what got you here ain’t gonna get you there. starting with business, then life.

In this week’s powerhouse episode, we explore Mitch’s amazing journey as a creator, an entrepreneur, a husband and a dad. We shred some (okay, a lot of ) myths.

I particularly love his unusual take on the non-existence of work-life balance, and why it’s a total fabrication for those who actually love what they do. We talk about embracing a new paradigm in entrepreneurship built around the intersection between speed, technology, connectivity and humanity.

Join us for this revealing conversation.

And be sure to share it with friends, sign up for email updates and instant access to our mp3 vault or check out the almost new Good Life Project podcast on iTunes.

With gratitude,


P.S. – Hey Boulder, CO people  – we’ll be in town filming episodes next week and the fab gang at Copyblogger Media is throwing us a meetup on June 10th. Come say hi, if you’re around. Details here.




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