Summer camp for creative souls, entrepreneurs & Change-makers!
Join us for 3 ½ mind-bending days that will change everything. The ultimate blend of deep-learning, epic stories, friends-for-life, juicy adventures and ideas, strategies and tools for accelerated personal and business growth!
August 23-26th 2018
Rock Hill, NY (90 min from NYC)

Scary truth, we live life at a maniacally fast pace. Head’s down, success-minded, massively-reactive and often-disconnected. Room to breathe, space to think and moments to feel, largely the stuff of dreamers and some-days. We’re so caught up in leaning in, winding up and getting ahead, that we’ve lost the grace in stepping back, winding down and realizing that so much of what we aspire to acquire and become is and, has always been, right here in front of us. Right here inside of us. Right here beside us. If we’d only pause long enough to see it. Feel it. Be it.
Camp GLP is your mind-body-work-life reset! It’s about reconnecting with who you are and what matters, rediscovering people and play, lighting up on a deeper, more meaningful level. One that bypasses the normal superficial yadda yadda yadda and makes a beeline to the soul. Over the years, we’ve had everyone from CEOs to musicians who played Wembley Stadium, startup founders to soccer moms, poets to pundits and writers to artisans. And you know what, nobody really knew or cared. Because, in the end, we’re all connected by something bigger. We’re human, and we want to be seen, heard, held and supported just for that. Without it being about what we’ve done, accomplished or who we’ve impressed.
Camp GLP is, more than anything else, about finding your people. It’s a stunning invitation to drop the facade. To let go of the need to posture or position yourself or “network” (ugh). To just be you. And, maybe for the first time in years (maybe ever), know that’s enough.
Check out last year's workshops here.
See more02

Beyond soulful connection, we are a community of fierce learners and action-takers, creators, makers, careerists, entrepreneurs, innovators, artists and world-changers (and pretty much any other grown-up who needs a bit more play, connection & meaning in their lives). Not just in words or dreams, but in deeds. And part of our mission is to not just gather an amazing global family, but immerse you in a powerful accelerated learning and growth experience that elevates your ability to express who you are, build a deeply-aligned vocation and contribute to the world in a powerful way.
So, we bring together a tremendous roster of workshop leaders, speakers, program facilitators and mentors, across a wide spectrum of pursuits that range from entrepreneurship, conscious-careers, personal growth and art to movement, mindset and music. Why? So that you can build on the mind-body-life reset and deep connections with wisdom designed to help you take your career and ability to contribute to the world, lead with purpose and experience true-meaning to a level you never thought possible. Knowing, too, that you no longer have to figure it out, or build it alone. Because you’ve got this, and we’ve got you.
Check out some of the awesome activities from Camp GLP here.
See more03

There’s this thing that tends to happen when we focus on building a career or a family or a business or body of work…we end up dying inside. Because, in the pursuit of these things, we end up abandoning our health and let our state of mind crumble, figuring “oh, hey, it’s all in the name of something really cool. We’ll come back to these things once we’ve ‘made’ it.”
Huge, HUGE mistake. Your ability to connect and play with amazing people, to build and co-create what you’re here to make will always be profoundly stifled or empowered by how vital you are.
You’ve gotta be ALIVE to breathe life into your life!
That means reconnecting not just with people and purpose, but with your body, your health, your strength and flexibility, your sense of lightness, calm, ease, play, freedom and movement. From workshops to outdoor activities, we’ve got you covered with a beautiful collection of explorations designed to let you reclaim your vitality.
"Leading up to it I was pretty nervous. Do I really want to head to camp with a whole bunch of people I don’t know? Am I really up for this? … Wow. Just Wow. I’m so lucky to have had this experience. So glad I was brave enough to go. I learned so much for work but for my whole self too. I will be a better person from this experience."

a day in the life
Over three and a half inspired days, you’ll have the opportunity to try, do, explore, learn, connect, discover, play and so much more (or just kick back and snooze under a tree with a good book!)
Our programming starts around 6am (totally optional), with movement and meditation, then rolls into breakfast and a full day of workshops, gatherings, presentations, afternoon activities and evening events.
To get an idea of the overall schedule for each day, just go ahead and click on the clipboard. And, remember, everything is encouraged, but nothing is mandatory. You get to create the experience you need with the people you can’t get enough of.
yes, sign me up now!
Give Me All the Details
morning keynotes & evening jams
What better way to kick off and then wrap up your day than with a series of all-hands morning keynotes and evening conversations with Good Life Project founder, Jonathan Fields, and a select group of main-stage presenters, from acclaimed artists and entrepreneurs to leaders in conscious entrepreneurship, medicine, philanthropy and more.
Past guests have included people like Rev. angel Kyoto Williams, NYT bestselling authors Susan Piver and Chris Guillebeau, functional medicine visionary, Dr. Aviva Romm and many others. These sessions are a great way to learn from leading voices in a wide range of areas that are critical in the quest to live your best life. And, the laid-back setting often leads to unparalleled access to post-session jams and conversations.
evening celebrations
"I had the chance to immerse myself in ways that would engage my mind and heart like I never did before…. And if that wasn’t enough, there was so much time to PLAY! ... I realized it wasn’t about not knowing what I am doing, but rather it was about being all of me. Camp GLP was a powerful experience – not just because it gathered beautiful world-shakers and makers together. But Camp GLP was powerful because there was a reminder throughout the whole weekend to ask and listen for the power of living a Good Life."

fun at Camp GLP GALLERY
yes, sign me up now!
I'm Ready
Everyone from Jonathan and Stephanie to the instructors to the volunteers were there to serve in a big way. They seemed to know exactly what I wanted or needed before I did.
As expected, the opportunities to play were a blast (swimming, paddle boarding, rock climbing, frisbee, tug-of-war, etc.) and the opportunities to connect with others at social events were amazing, like massive bonfires, buffet meals, and just lounging on the lawn talking. It truly was like being a kid again at summer camp. What surprised me were the workshops. I hadn't signed up for the purpose of attending the personal or professional development workshops, yet they were so compelling and the instructors so talented, I ended up attending every workshop possible.
Overall I had an incredible experience. By the end of the weekend I was leaving recharged, inspired, and with a wealth of new information that I could use to grow my life and business. But the greatest benefit I realized from my weekend at Camp GLP was a deep, genuine connection with a newfound tribe."
Jason Billows
The video of camp that they played at our last community gathering really got me. As I have said, I spend so much of my time and energy just being okay. I never thought that I would be this happy, have this kind of belonging, that I could tell people I knew for two days 'I love you' and mean it...
As I was leaving camp the woman I had picked up at the train a few days before said 'whenever I looked over to you, you were just glowing', and that is exactly how I felt."
Jess Getty
I spent four days with over 250 entrepreneurs, business artists, artists, and open-hearted human beings from around the world. And in a rare instance with a group that size, I belonged... Jonathan Fields, Camp GLP founder, told me a couple of years ago something surprising he realized: That people from his immersions were as drawn to if not more drawn to the community and to connection than to the content, as rich as the content is. I was skeptical then. I get it now. In my blood... So glad I was brave enough to go. I learned so much not only for work but also for my whole self too. I will be a better person from this experience. There is no doubt."
Jeffrey Davis
...we arrived at CAMP GLP to the warmest welcome I have ever experienced, involving cheers from bouncy crew members and equally bouncy large bubbles. I instantly felt at ease. Why was that? I had never met these people before, but, I immediately felt like I'd found 'my people'.
We were from all walks of life yet we were on the same page. The same wavelength-ness was mind-blowing and, as such, we connected really quickly. We attended workshops together, ranging from tea-blending and time-bending to hand-lettering and crowd-funding, ate delicious meals together and enjoyed an epic dance fest and talent show."
Cheryl Rickman
I've been self-employed for 21 years now and have never done anything like this. It sounded like a good idea. Workshops about building community mixed with arts and crafts. That's for me, right? So, I signed up!
Leading up to it I was pretty nervous. Do I really want to head to camp with a whole bunch of people [250 to be exact] I don't know? Am I really up for this? ... Wow. Just Wow. I'm so lucky to have had this experience. So glad I was brave enough to go. I learned so much for work but for my whole self too. I will be better person from this experience."
Katie Pertiet
As the kids say these days, “Mind...blown.” I learned what it means to create a truly “high performing team.” Not in the usual, corporate, “drive for results” kind of way, but in the purpose-driven, shared values, total trust in and acceptance of each other in full commitment to the customer kind of way...
I learned that it's possible for a couple of hundred people to come together and TOTALLY TRUST that we were all there for similar reasons, that we were all good people at heart, and that we were all committed to making the space safe for everyone, no matter what they had going on or why they were there. As an adult, particularly if you're on a growth and/or change path, it's sometimes tough to find your “people.” And if you consider yourself a “difference-maker,” someone determined to create positive change in the world, I think it's that much harder.
Camp GLP was an uplifting moment in time that I think will have lasting impact on each and every one of us who attended, and then by extension on the work that we're doing, and I am profoundly happy that I got to be there. Plus, the S'Mores were great."
Karen Wright
The weekend was a chance to reconnect with my love of service, creating community/tribes, and leading heart-centered work in the world. And for 3+ days, I had the chance to immerse myself in ways that would engage my mind and heart like I never did before... And if that wasn't enough, there was so much time to PLAY! ... I realized it wasn't about not knowing what I am doing, but rather it was about being all of me. Camp GLP was a powerful experience – not just because it gathered beautiful world-shakers and makers together. But Camp GLP was powerful because there was reminder throughout the whole weekend to ask and listen for the power of living a Good Life."
Mary Anne Flanagan
It was our playground to 'unleash that primal urge to make and move and create and connect, discover friends-for-life and fire-up our future with ideas, strategies and tools for accelerated personal and business growth!' The workshops, the talks, the meet-ups, the hangouts, the talent show (!!!), the 6am morning meditations followed by a workout, the dance party, the bonfire, and last but not least, the attempt to stay up on the final night to experience the sunrise together.
All of this and more were the bonding pillars of how a tribe, a mindful unity, and an aligned family of light-workers connect, share, and create within the intention of light. We arrived as individuals and left as a united tribe of standing lights.
Leyla Salvade
There were so many breakthroughs, so many new friends made, so much laughter, so much enthusiasm and a crazy energy that has connected us all together in amazing ways. I love the feeling of a roomful of people meditating together, you can feel the energy in the room shift, and everyone gets calm and settled together.
At Camp GLP, that collective energy expansion happened everywhere. There was amplified love, much laughter and hugging, and so much momentum now carrying us forward back into life. We were surrounded by people all wishing the best for everyone else, and willing to support and encourage that every step of the way.
Samantha Sutherland
During encounters, workshops and presentations, I heard my beliefs, my values, my world views articulated and echoed over and over. I routinely heard ideas I held dear but had never heard verbalized. I knew I had found my tribe.
People shared ideas such as living aligned with virtues, making time for what's important, and mind blowing quotes such as “when you align the essence of who you are, with deliberate action, with what you believe, you become a beacon, you radiate, people are drawn to you. Deeply embrace who you are.
Yvonne Whitelaw
The camp was the pinnacle of a two-year journey that has given me a profound sense of self-confidence, surrounded me with an incredible community, given me inspirational tools and an immense energy... Thank you incredible Camp GLP, my new tribe, Jonathan and Stephanie.
Sasha Kazantseva
Being a mom of a toddler with another on the way, it was easy to feel lost and forget about myself. For me, I knew that the quickest way to remembering who I am was to stick myself in the middle of an incredibly loving community where I could experiment with being anybody I felt like in the moment and they would fully support me. Camp Good Life Project gave me that space and constantly challenged me to reflect, think, explore, and learn about myself. I went with a 'see what happens' attitude and chose workshops which were light hearted and exploratory like art, yoga, meditation, and wonder instead of the more 'work' focused ones that an earlier me might have chosen. I was encouraged to constantly think 'what if...' which led to things like singing in the talent show through to choosing naps over schedules.
Mel Findlater
As the talent show began, I watched my fellow campers get up there and pour themselves into poems and songs and passionate stories... Act after act reminded me of a truth I'd forgotten more than half a lifetime ago: the stage had once been a vital part of who I was... Being mama, modulating my voice to fit a shared podcast, holding space for others' stories... I was doing the work and rarely allowing myself the breathing room to ask if it was the right work or if all that work was really mine to do. And the next thing I knew, I arrived back on the stage after a twenty-year detour and I heard my own voice rise...all I remember was stomping my feet in celebration and grinning so much I could barely see...
Marisa Goudy
yes, sign me up now!
How to Find Us
Our host camp is the ridiculously cool Iroquois Springs Camp, located at 66 Bowers Road in Rock Hill, NY 12775
Bus Transport To & From LaGuardia Airport
The bus will depart LaGuardia Airport on Thursday, August 24 at 2pm, and will arrive at Camp by 4pm.
The bus will depart Camp on Sunday, August 27 at 1:30pm, and will arrive at LaGuardia Airport by 4pm.
Sign up for this option if you want to the bus to pick you up and drop you off at LaGuardia Airport.
Bus Transport To & From Newark Airport
The bus will depart LaGuardia Airport on Thursday, August 24 at 2pm, and will arrive at Camp by 4pm.
The bus will depart Camp on Sunday, August 27 at 1:30pm, and will arrive at LaGuardia Airport by 4pm.
Sign up for this option if you want to the bus to pick you up and drop you off at LaGuardia Airport.
"I am trying to explain it in simple words but I am struggling to go beyond ‘transformational.’ The camp was the pinnacle of a two-year journey that has given me a profound sense of self-confidence, surrounded me with an incredible community, given me inspirational tools and an immense energy. Thank you incredible Camp GLP, my new tribe, Jonathan and Stephanie."

only one thing left to do.
You've made it this far! Which means, you must be pretty
psyched to come to camp! As a camper, you’re going to get:
Grab your spot AND bring some friends! August 23-26th, 2018
Events that don’t include half as much and leave you to pay your
own accommodations and food charge $1,500-$5,000.
You get EVERYTHING for the price of only $925!
(this is $200 off full price registration of $1,125)
Still have questions?
Email [email protected] or call 914.458.1885
Camp GLP is a Good Life Project Production
Photo credits: Kakora Studios and Enso Photography