What does it mean to live a good life?

Is it about health, wealth, friendship, love, passion, purpose, all, some, or none of the above? Are there things that really matter that are fairly simple to cultivate, no matter your circumstance, but that most of us miss?

And, maybe most important, what can we DO - how much is in our control - to live our best lives, no matter how circumstance meets us? It starts with a big question, are you living a good a good life now? And, how do you know?


We've been studying thesequestions for the past 20 years.

We’ve been given rare, private access to a global collective of more than 1,000 luminaries in every industry and circumstance imaginable.

From renowned scientists and leading voices in spirituality, philosophy, and art to innovators and change-makers in industry, psychology, innovation, education, and activism. CEOs and founders, painters, writers, Oscar-winning actors, iconic musicians. And, along the way, we've run our own experiments, gathered research and data from more than 1-million people, and had the good fortune to teach tens-of-thousands from all over the world.

What we’ve found is that, no matter who you are, what you do, or what life brings your way, the question of what it means to live a good life resonates at the core of every single one of us. And, we've found certain things matter more than you know, and others—ones we thought were critical—weren't nearly as important as you thought.


Knowing what matters is more important than ever.

Because, over the last decade, everything’s changed. The way we live, work, love, play, connect, think, and feel is shifting seemingly moment-to-moment. All of the external elements we relied on as markers of success, happiness, connection, safety … it’s all up in the air.

This is a moment of great transition for so many. But it’s also a moment of great potential and possibility, if we choose to embrace it.

So many of us are awakening to a new sense of who we are, and what's possible. Defined not by other people's assumptions, expectations, or limitations, but by what we truly want and need from this thing called life. We're reconnecting to a new way of feeling and thinking and being. To new opportunities. To an invitation reimagine life. On our terms. New terms.

But, before we can do that, we’ve got to get honest about where we are.Now. Today.

Think of it this way...

You life is made up of three Good Life Buckets™:


Your Vitality Bucket

is about optimizing your state of mind and body. It’s about stillness, peace, focus, intention, happiness, meaning, resilience and more. It’s also about building the strongest, healthiest, most vital physical body that is accessible to you, given your unique circumstance.

Your Connection Bucket

is about your the depth and quality of your relationships. It’s about love and belonging, friendship, joy, family and chosen family, safety and security, community and participation.

Your Contribution Bucket

is about your work - This is about how you contribute to the world. It’s about doing work that fills you with meaning, purpose, excitement and cultivates a feeling of deep-satisfaction and significance.

Here’s the scary part…

A global data set from our Good Life Bucket Quiz™ shows that the average person’s buckets are dangerously depleted:

The average person’s Vitality Bucket scored a 56 out of 100


The average person’s Contribution Bucket scored a 62 out of 100


The average person’s Connection Bucket scored a 66 out of 100


Still, there is incredible news. Especially for you...

No matter what YOUR bucket levels are, there are things you can do. Little things. Immediate things. Easy things. Free things. That will make a real difference, that will begin filling your Good Life Buckets today. That will help you start feeling better, more hopeful, more focused, more energized, more connected, and alive. Today.

But of course, we’ve gotta start where we are. Be honest about it. No judgment at all.

We have to know our own personal Good Life Bucket levels first. So, we know where we’re starting from, and where to focus our energies first. Remembering, it’s just a starting point. A snapshot in time. One we’re about to change in big ways, starting today.

So, go ahead...

It’ll take just a few minutes and once you’re done, to help get you started, we'll be sharing our 7-day Good Life Bucket Challenge by email, with lots of FREE bucket-filling wisdom, tips, and actionable information you can use to take immediate steps to make your life better.

Discover your Vitality, Connection and Contribution scores now!