Patricia Moreno has been a leading voice in the fitness industry going on three decades. But for 20 of those years, she harbored a dark secret…
On the surface and in front of the camera, she was vibrant, confident, alive and super-fit. But behind the camera, a lifelong battle with weight and self-esteem led to years of emotional angst, bulimia and a constant struggle to connect with something deeper than “just fitness” and have an impact on an entirely different level.
Until one day, she let it all out. She came clean to the world, to her students. To everyone. That triggered a series of awakenings and a complete evolution in the way she approached her career and life. And it led to the creation of an entirely new blended personal-development fitness paradigm called intenSati™ and
In this week’s heartfelt episode, Patricia and I go deep. Really deep. We learn about growing up in a Mexican American household with 10 kids, a family in the restaurant business and a struggle with weight that began in elementary school and tee’d up a lifelong battle to belong.
We explore Moreno’s dance between wanting to entertain and inspire people, but being told she had to fit a certain mold. We talk about how this led her into the dark side, living a double life of outward success, yet inner-pain. And we follow along as she moves into a place of grace and power, sheds her hidden feelings of hypocrisy and reclaims her ability to be who she is and teach others to do the same.
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With gratitude,